Calm Fundraiser

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It costs £12.20 for CALM to answer one of their potentially life-saving calls. Choose your donation amount below if you can spare a few quid. With your support, CALM can continue to offer their life-saving helpline, webchat and online resources to anyone struggling. 100% of proceeds (exclusive of VAT) will be donated to Campaign Against Living Miserably (Charity number 1110621 in England & SC044347 in Scotland. Your support helps CALM continue offering life-saving support this year.
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Every 90 minutes someone dies by suicide in the UK. It's now the leading cause of death for 15-39 years olds, and men under 50.

The start of a New Year can be a difficult time for many, so we’re raising funds to help CALM continue their life-saving work. 100% of proceeds (exclusive of VAT) will be donated to Campaign Against Living Miserably (Charity number 1110621 in England & SC044347 in Scotland. Your support helps CALM continue offering life-saving support this year.  



Head to their website to get support via the webchat or take action THECALMZONE.NET